Tips & Tricks for Parents

How to baby proof your house at Christmas

4 Dec, 2023

Christmas Tree Safety:

Anchor your Christmas tree securely to prevent tipping. Opt for shatterproof ornaments and avoid hanging small, sharp, or easily breakable decorations within your baby's reach. Consider placing a safety gate around the tree for an extra layer of protection.

Secure Christmas Decorations:

Replace any metal or hooks used to hang your Christmas tree ornaments with ribbon or string instead. This is much safer for children if they do happen to get hold of one. Look to use shatterproof ornaments for safety and avoid delicate glass. Big ornaments will not be a choking hazard if children try to ‘taste’ the ornaments. 

Christmas Garlands:

If you have a mantelpiece or fireplace that you usually like to decorate, ensure all garlands and ornaments are up high enough so that little children can't reach up and pull these down. 

Mindful Gift Placement:
Place gifts in areas that are inaccessible to your baby. Small items like bows and ribbons can be choking hazards, so be cautious about where you leave them. Consider using gift bags instead of wrapping paper to minimise potential risks.

Create a Designated Play Area:
Set up a safe play area for your baby with age-appropriate toys. This not only provides a secure space for exploration but also helps you keep a watchful eye on your little one while you handle Christmas preparations.

Stay Vigilant During Celebrations:
During gatherings or celebrations, designate a responsible adult to keep an eye on the baby. With more people around, it's essential to maintain vigilance to ensure your little one's safety in a busier environment.

By taking proactive steps to baby-proof your home for Christmas, you can create a secure and festive atmosphere for your family. This ensures that your little one can explore, play, and enjoy the magic of Christmas without compromising their safety and you can also relax a little too.