The Milestones in Baby Development

When should my baby start to roll over?

20 Nov, 2023

When Do Babies Start to Roll Over?

Babies begin to roll over typically between the ages of 4 to 6 months. However, it's important to note that every child develops at their own pace - some babies may roll over as early as 3 months, while others might take a bit longer. It's crucial to be patient and encourage your baby to explore their newfound mobility in a safe environment.

How Do You Encourage Rolling Over?

You can help your little one in a number of ways:

  • Initiate Tummy Time: Start with regular tummy time sessions to help your baby build upper body strength, a crucial precursor to rolling over.
  • Place Toys Strategically: Position colourful and enticing toys just out of reach on one side during playtime to encourage your baby to reach and eventually roll over.
  • Provide Gentle Assistance: During tummy time, offer gentle support by placing your hand on your baby's back or side to guide them in the rolling motion.
  • Use a Rolled Towel: Place a rolled towel or blanket under one side of your baby during play or tummy time to create a gentle incline, making rolling over a bit easier.
  • Mirror Play: Babies are often fascinated by their own reflection. Place a baby-safe mirror on one side during tummy time to spark their curiosity and motivation to roll over.
  • Encourage Leg Movement: Help your baby discover the connection between leg movements and rolling over by gently moving their legs in a bicycling motion during nappy changes or play.
  • Celebrate Attempts: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest attempts at rolling over. Positive reinforcement encourages your baby to keep trying.
  • Rolling Over Games: Engage in games that involve gentle rolling movements, such as rolling a soft ball back and forth. This can make the action of rolling over seem like a fun activity.
  • Frequent Floor Time: Provide ample floor time for your baby to explore and practice rolling over. A safe and spacious environment encourages them to experiment with new movements.
  • Stay Patient: Every baby develops at their own pace. Be patient and provide a supportive and encouraging atmosphere to allow your baby to master the skill of rolling over in their own time.

Safety Concerns Associated with Rolling Over

While the sight of your baby rolling over is a great milestone, it also brings new safety considerations. As your little one becomes more mobile, it's important to:

  • Create a Safe Environment: Babyproofing your home becomes even more critical as your baby starts to roll over. Remove any sharp objects or potential hazards from their reach and ensure a safe play area.
  • Supervised Tummy Time: Encourage tummy time during waking hours to strengthen your baby's neck and upper body muscles. Always supervise tummy time to prevent accidental rolling onto their face.
  • Sleep Safety: Once your baby starts rolling over, there's a chance they might do so during sleep. It is recommended to place your baby on their back to sleep, even if they can roll over, to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This is where the use of a baby sleeping bag can offer additional safety benefits.

Benefits of Using a Baby Sleeping Bag to Prevent Rolling Over

  • Secure Sleep Position: A baby sleeping bag helps to keep your little one in a secure and consistent sleep position, minimising the likelihood of rolling over onto their front during the night.
  • Reduced Blanket Risks: Traditional blankets can pose a suffocation risk if they cover a baby's face during sleep. Baby sleeping bags eliminate this risk, providing a cosy yet breathable sleep environment.
  • Maintained Sleep Comfort: Babies can be restless sleepers, and the constant movement may lead to uncovering with traditional blankets. A sleeping bag ensures that your baby stays comfortably covered throughout the night.