
Pregnant through the summer

26 Jun, 2023

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also come with its fair share of discomforts, especially during the hot summer months. The rising temperatures bring their own challenges such as swelling, fatigue, and overheating. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can keep cool and comfortable during this special time. 

Stay Hydrated:
Drinking lots of water is essential for anyone, but it becomes even more crucial during pregnancy. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and overheating, so always carry a water bottle with you, and try to sip water frequently.

Dress Comfortably:
Choose lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. Opt for light colours that reflect the sunlight instead of absorbing it. Flowy dresses, skirts, and maternity shorts can provide room for air circulation and help you stay cool.

Stay in the Shade:
When the sun is at its peak, try to minimise your exposure to direct sunlight. Seek shade wherever possible, and use a wide-brimmed hat or a parasol to protect yourself from the sun's rays. If you're planning to go outside, schedule your activities for early morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are lower.

Use Sunscreen:
Pregnancy can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so it's important to protect yourself from harmful UV rays. Apply a sunscreen with a high 50+ SPF before going outside, even on cloudy days. Remember to reapply it every couple of hours.

Take Frequent Breaks:
Avoid overexertion and take regular breaks to rest and cool down. Find a comfortable spot to relax and elevate your feet to reduce swelling. Use a cooling fan or a portable hand-held fan to create a refreshing breeze.

Swim and Stay Cool in Water:
Swimming is an excellent way to beat the heat during pregnancy. Find a local pool or a safe swimming spot and enjoy the cooling and weightless sensation of being in the water. Water aerobics or gentle swimming exercises can also help relieve discomfort and reduce swelling.

Use Cooling Accessories:
Invest in cooling accessories to provide immediate relief. Consider using a cooling towel, which can be soaked in water and draped around your neck or forehead or a cooling mat inside your pillow or under your sheet at night. Portable handheld fans with a misting feature can provide a refreshing burst of cool air too.

Keep Your Living Space Cool:
Ensure that your home environment remains cool and comfortable. Close curtains or blinds during the day to block out direct sunlight and use fans or air conditioning to maintain a  good temperature. Create airflow by opening windows during cooler hours to let fresh air circulate.

Eat Light and Refreshing Foods:
Incorporate light, hydrating foods into your diet. Enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables, and salads that are rich in water content. Avoid heavy, greasy meals that can make you feel sluggish and increase discomfort.

Consult Your Healthcare Provider:
Lastly, it's crucial to communicate with your healthcare provider regarding any concerns or issues you may have about staying cool during pregnancy. They can provide personalised advice based on your specific needs and health condition.

Staying cool and comfortable during the summer months while pregnant is all about adopting simple yet effective strategies. Remember, always prioritise your health and well-being, and consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns. Wishing you a cool and enjoyable summer!

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